Welcome to the Companion Guide to UNFPA’s E-learning Course, Managing Gender-based Violence Programmes in Emergencies. In response to its enthusiastic response from the humanitarian community, the Course developers decided to create a supplementary tool through which learners could engage more fully with key Course concepts.
They asked Course participants if a Companion Guide would be useful, and the response was a resounding “Yes!”
The resulting Companion Guide was developed, in large part, from the feedback submitted by past Course participants and experts in the field. New additions to the E-learning material include Programmes in Focus, illustrative examples of GBV programming in action; Voices from the Field, first-person accounts from practitioners who have experienced and implemented the concepts covered in the Course; and Thinking Locally, short segments that encourage you to consider how you would apply issues to your own contexts.
Many Course participants said they would like to be challenged to think more deeply about how to apply concepts presented in the E-learning Course. The developers amplified the Case Studies found in Modules 3 and 4 to include Additional Questions that require analysis at a level not found in the original version. Take your time working with them; you can also consider them to be a good way of engaging colleagues in learning about the fundamental concepts included in the Modules. The answers to all of the Checking your Knowledge quizzes and Case Studies are found in Annex 1: Answer Key. As with many online learning offerings, the space for identifying references and resources was limited. That is why throughout the Guide you will find sections on Key Tools, reference materials that will provide further guidance on designing and implementing safe, ethical and effective GBV programming,
By featuring the entire E-learning Course transcript as well as the additional material described above, the Guide has been formatted to make it user-friendly for the widest possible audience. Learners who have already completed the E-learning Course may choose to use the Guide as a refresher to review key concepts and/or to explore certain concepts in greater depth. Those taking the Course for the first time may want to experience the interactive online version while simultaneously following along in the hard copy Companion Guide. For those who do not have access to the online platform or who chose not to follow the E-learning Course CD-Rom (provided with this Guide), the Guide can serve as a stand-alone learning tool as well as a resource that can be incorporated into trainings and other capacity development initiatives.
This project has been spearheaded by UNFPA on behalf of the Gender-Based Violence Area of Responsibility of the Global Protection Cluster. More information on the GBV AoR can be found at .