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Lives on Hold #4 - Intentions and perspectives of refugees from Ukraine: Regional Intentions Report (July 2023)


Executive Summary

Following the first, second and third regional reports on the intentions of refugees from Ukraine and the first report of the intentions of internally displaced people (IDPs) within Ukraine, this fourth report presents updated findings regarding intentions of refugees and IDPs, to provide a comparative view of intentions and the different underlying factors influencing decision-making. The main objective of these regular intentions surveys is to collect primary data around the intentions, situation and perspectives of refugees and IDPs from Ukraine and the factors and drivers behind their decisions, to ensure the centrality of their voices in durable solutions discussions about their future and inform advocacy, programming and decision-making of all stakeholders. The analysis is based on interviews undertaken between April and May 2023 with 3,850 refugee households across Europe and 4,000 IDP households in Ukraine, complemented with findings from focus group discussions.