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Joint Operational Framework: WASH Resilience, Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding


Author: Grieve T., Rueck J., Panzerbieter T.

Year: 2023

Publisher: German Wash Network (GWN), WASH Road Map (WRM)

The “Joint Operational Framework: WASH Resilience, Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding” aims to enable better collaboration and higher coherence among humanitarian, development, and peace actors framework in contexts of recurrent and protracted crises. In contexts vulnerable to conflict and disasters, the WASH Triple Nexus seeks to strengthen the resilience capacities of WASH systems, thereby reducing humanitarian needs and advancing sustainable development at the same time. In fragile or conflict affected settings, inclusive WASH services can contribute to social cohesion and promote peace. The JOF sets out the thinking, a theory of change and key steps for putting the nexus approach into practice within the WASH sector along with establishing strong linkages with the integrated water resource management sector. The JOF provides tools and resources – a glossary of terminology, links to key guidance and tools published by actors in the WASH sector and brief case studies relating to strengthening resilience, conflict sensitivity and peacebuilding capacities. The word “joint” emphasises the collaboration required between humanitarian, development and peace actors. The word “operational” hints at the suggested practical steps and entry points for policy makers and practitioners. The publication of the JOF is an important milestone of the “Triple Nexus in WASH initiative” of the WASH Road Map, led by the German WASH Network, Global WASH Clusters, Sanitation and Water for all Partnership and UNICEF.