This statement is delivered on behalf of 109 NGOs, including humanitarian organizations with operations in countries covered by the GHO.
We are witnessing unspeakable human suffering due to the proliferation of conflicts lacking political solutions and the normalization of IHL violations. Indiscriminate attacks on civilians and humanitarian workers, the bombing of schools and hospitals, and the use of starvation and sexual violence as methods of warfare are devastating communities worldwide. Climate shocks, economic fragility, and protracted conflict are exacerbating humanitarian needs, leading to unprecedented levels of displacement and an escalating global hunger crisis.
Boundary-setting and narrower definitions of people in need are resulting in a highly prioritized 2025 GHO. With limited complementarity with development and other actors, it is unclear who will target those left behind. Despite exceptional prioritization efforts, humanitarian funding lags behind and ODA cuts impact both humanitarian action and development gains.
We must turn the tide together in 2025
We urge donors to fully fund the 2025 GHO and to provide quality funding as early as possible in the year to enable flexible, timely, and principled humanitarian action.
The catastrophic effects of IHL violations – including on children, women, and people living with disabilities – urgently require donors’ re-commitment to the traditionally underfunded sectors of gender and GBV, education and child protection in emergencies, and the stepping up of funding for hunger and forced displacement.
We call for a substantial increase in the volume and quality of funding to local and national actors, including Women’s organizations, whose essential leadership in humanitarian response must be recognized. This should be rooted in accountability to - and meaningful participation of - affected people.
All stakeholders must redouble efforts to prevent and resolve conflict, and we urge humanitarian, development, peace and climate actors to work together to make nexus programming a reality and foster resilience. This requires increased ODA directed to fragile settings.
Nothing will reduce humanitarian needs unless civilians are protected. The 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions is also a year of unconscionable IHL violations. We urge parties to conflicts to abide by their obligations, and we call on governments to leverage their influence and ensure that the consistent application of IHL is a top priority.
Abs Development Organization for Woman and Child
ACT Alliance
Action Contre la Faim (ACF)
Action for Development
Africa Humanitarian Action
Al shorouk Foundation for Women and Child Development
Al-Anwar Development Foundation
Al-reyadah Development Foundation
Al-Wajdan Foundation for Development and Qualification
Aman Welfare Society
Amel Association International
Analysis and Strategic Study Organization (ASO) Arab Council Supporting Fair Trail and Human Rights (ACSFT)
Association for Protection of Refugee Women and Children (HAMI)
Association pour le développement rural intégral
ADRI en sigle ASBL
AWO International (Germany)
CARE International
Caritas Internationalis
Charter for Change
Child and Youth Protection Foundation, Al Dhale Governorate - Yemen
ChildFund Alliance
Christian Aid
COAST Foundation
Community and Family Services International (CFSI)
Community Healthcare Initiative (CHI)
Community World Service Asia
Concern Worldwide
Danish Refugee Council
Democracy school
Education for All Coalition
Educo Philippiens
Estijabah Foundation for Humanitarian Aid and Relief
Ethiopia HINGO Group
Eve Diamond Foundation for Development Federation of Ethiopian Associations of Persons with
Disability (FEAPD)
Finn Church Aid
Finnish Refugee Council
Foundation for Rural Development (FRD)
Fundacja Alight
Future Makers Organisations Development
Global Mentoring Initiative
Ground Truth Solutions
HelpAge International
Heya Foundation for Women Protection and Empowerment
Human Initiative
Humanity & Inclusion – Handicap International IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation
Imprint of Life Foundation for Humanitarian Works
International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA)
Jesuit Refugee Service
Jordan Paramedic Society
Keen and Care Initiative (KCI)
League for Mental Health in Slovakia
Les Scouts Tunisiens
Life at Best Development Initiative
Lutheran World Federation
Make Hope Development and Relief
Mercy Corps
Modern Social Association
Nahda Foundation for Development
National Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Response (NAHR)
New World Hope Organization (NWHO)
Norwegian Church Aid
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
Pak Mission Society (PMS), Pakistan
Peace And Development Association
People in need
Philippine Inclusive NGO Network (PINGON)
Plan International
Refugee Consortium of Kenya (RCK)
Refugee Council of Australia
Relief International
Rescue Foundation for Development
Rumah Zakat
Save the Children
Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN)
Secours Islamique France
Social coexistence Foundation
Society for Human Rights & Prisoners Aid (SHARP)
Solidarités International
Syrian NGO Alliance - SNA
Tamdeen Youth Foundation
Tamkeen Foundation for Development
Terre des hommes Foundation
The Lebanese Organization of Studies and Training
WATAN Foundation
WeWorld - Member of ChildFund Alliance
Women's Refugee Commission
World Vision International
Yemen Humanity Foundation for Development
Yemen International Agency for Development
Yemen Media Guide for Development center
Youth of Peace of Development
Zamzam Foundation
- Welthungerhilfe
- accepted as per email confirmation by - CDS - 14/01/25