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Issue Brief: Multi-Sectoral Responses to Antimicrobial Resistance


Unless urgent action is taken to address antimicrobial resistance (AMR), global deaths from infections, such as tuberculosis (TB) and pneumonia, as well as complications of infection such as sepsis, are projected to rise to an estimated 10 million per year by 2050. AMR also negatively affects animal health, food security and poverty reduction, with the World Bank estimating that AMR could push as many as 24.1 million people into extreme poverty by 2050.

This UNDP Issue Brief illustrates the opportunities the 2030 Agenda provides to accelerate integrated AMR responses, including promoting greater multi-sectoriality in the AMR response. The complexity and multidimensionality of AMR, and the One Health approach that governments have committed to advancing, requires greater coordination, stronger governance and more effective partnerships. UNDP’s country presence and experience in convening and supporting multi-sectoral responses enables it to support governments, the United Nations system, and other stakeholders to establish strategies to address the multiple causes, determinants and impacts of AMR.