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IOM Contributions to Progressively Resolve Displacement Situations: Compendium of activities and good practice



The number and scale of crises are forcing record numbers of people to flee their homes seeking relative safety within or across international borders. However, the growing complexity and unpredictability of these crises is resulting in increasingly protracted displacement situations which challenge the versatility of the three traditional durable solutions – voluntary return and sustainable reintegration, sustainable settlement elsewhere and sustainable local integration. More inclusive approaches that recognize the needs and rights of all those affected by crises and development and recognition of existing, and exploration of new, mobility strategies may offer new avenues towards the progressive resolution of displacement situations.

Compendiums are central to IOM’s own processes of collecting and learning from good practices globally. Externally, they demonstrate IOM’s experience on a given topic. This compendium is primarily designed to support IOM staff, aiming to facilitate exchange of good practices and promote innovative, high-quality programming while cognisant of the need to assess feasibility and adaptability to local contexts. This compendium is based on IOM’s extensive achievements in the field: some 550 projects in 35 countries implemented between January 2010 and December 2014, which contributed towards building resilience and progressively resolving displacement situations.

The Global Review section of this publication provides an analysis of global trends based on contributions from IOM offices, contributing to a better understanding of types of migration crises and the populations affected by crises and displacement. Using available information, a mobility perspective is applied to each of the eight criteria outlined in the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Framework on Durable Solutions for Internally Displaced Persons. Good practices shared by IOM offices are summarized.

The Country Pages section provides an overview of key migration crises occurring in 35 countries between 2010 and 2014. IOM’s efforts to contribute to the progressive resolution of those displacement situations – including the identification of key partnerships and critical enablers and disablers, a good practice and IOM’s future objectives – are outlined.

The process of developing this compendium has directly contributed to the development of a new IOM framework – the Progressive Resolution of Displacement Situations (PRDS) Framework – which aims to guide IOM and inform its partners to frame and navigate the complexity of forced migration dynamics and support efforts to progressively resolve displacement situations. The PRDS Framework promotes an inclusive, resilience-based approach and embraces mobility strategies that support progression towards resolving displacement while ensuring safety nets are in place to avoid potentially harmful mobility strategies.

This compendium is part of an evolving process to contribute to a growing knowledge base and to learn from experience and good practices of how resilience and mobility can be better integrated across IOM’s response to migration crises.