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Interim Guidance - Checklist for Integrating PSEA in Country Preparedness and Response to MPOX (November 2024)


This Interim Guidance/Checklist responds to the IASC recommendation for collective PSEA actions in humanitarian operations and the WHO risk-based approach to SEAH prevention and response outlined in the Mpox global strategic preparedness and response plan.

It is intended for use by PSEA Coordinators and PSEA Network Focal Points, Clusters and Sector Leads, and Health sector Incident Managers to support prioritisation of PSEA critical actions as part of the emergency response plan from the outset of the operation. In particular, it aims to guide the PSEA Networks and Agency Focal Points in the concerned countries to plan for and integrate critical SEA mitigation measures associated with aspects of the health response such as the rapid deployment of personnel; the engagement of multiple partners; the large scale use of volunteers and community health workers in vaccination campaigns and other community interventions; and the government-led health response. The Checklist recognises that the in-country PSEA networks will update the existing inter-agency countrylevel action plan to address the collective PSEA measures determined by the HCT in the context of the Mpox response.

This checklist is a quick reference card - representing minimum actions for project managers delivering in the field and remote locations. For additional support and “how to” implement the checklist, please reach out to the PSEA Coordination Helpdesk.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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