1 Introduction
This section outlines the purpose of the learning paper in the context of the broader evaluation and summarizes the structure of the document. It also sets out the scope of the learning paper, including clarifying areas that fall outside its scope, and describes the methodological approach used to gather data and analyze findings.
1.1 Purpose of the evaluation
1. The Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluation (IAHE) of the COVID-19 Humanitarian Response seeks to assess the collective preparedness and response of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) member agencies at the global, regional, and country level in meeting the humanitarian needs of people in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has three objectives:
Determine the extent to which the IASC member agencies’ collective preparedness and response actions, including its existing and adapted special measures, were relevant to addressing humanitarian needs in the context of the pandemic.
Assess the results achieved from these actions at the global, regional and country level in support of people, and with governments and local actors.
Identify best practices, opportunities and lessons learnt that will help to improve ongoing and future humanitarian responses, including through wider and accelerated adaptation of certain humanitarian policies, approaches, and practices.
1.2 Purpose of the Learning Paper
2. The ToR for the evaluation proposed a series of learning papers, the topics of which were to be selected during the inception phase. The Global Humanitarian Response Plan (GHRP) Learning Paper is the first of these learning papers and meets the third objective of the evaluation, that of learning. It is intended to inform future humanitarian policy and practice, specifically the development of any dedicated, ad-hoc GHRPs that may be considered in response to future global emergencies.
3. In July 2020, the IASC Principals tasked the United Nations (UN) Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) with leading and sharing “lessons learned from the GHRP process that can be applied to and strengthen the annual the development of the 2021 GHO”. Thereafter, OCHA conducted a light lesson learning exercise, which concluded in October 2020. This learning paper builds on the OCHA-led exercise and the findings and recommendations that were documented during that process.
1.3 Structure of the Learning Paper
4. The GHRP Learning Paper is structured as follows:
Section 1 briefly outlines the purpose and content of the document.
Section 2 explains the scope of the Learning Paper, including what falls outside the scope of the document, and describes the approach and methodology used.
Section 3 provides background and context on the GHRP process.
Section 4 summarizes the main findings of the Learning Paper.
Section 5 offers partial conclusions from the GHRP process.
Section 6 sets out issues for consideration in the development of plans to respond to future global emergencies.
1.4 Scope
5. The Learning Paper seeks to answer the following main questions:
How beneficial was the GHRP process as a new approach for collectively responding to the demands of a global crisis?
To what extent did the GHRP process facilitate an inclusive and well-coordinated response?
6. The timeframe covered by this Learning Paper is largely limited to the lifespan of the COVID-19 GHRP, which was first issued in March 2020, followed by two subsequent iterations in May and July 2020, covering the period up to the end of December 2020. Some consideration was given to the question of preparedness, which required looking at the period immediately prior to the launch of the GHRP; and monitoring and reporting on the GHRP continued up to February 2021 when the final progress report on the GHRP was issued. From January 2021 onwards, the effects of COVID-19 and the IASC response were integrated into country-specific Humanitarian Response Plans (HRPs), Refugee Response Plans (RRPs) and other country-level plans. These appeals covering 2021 onwards are outside the scope of this Learning Paper.
7. The Learning Paper does not comment on implementation of the GHRP or its results. Similarly, while the Learning Paper looks at the links between the GHRP and related plans for health and socio-economic recovery during the time that they were developed, it does not go into detail on synergies in how they were implemented or resourced, since this will be covered as part of the broader evaluation. The GHRP Learning Paper will not be updated at a later stage of the evaluation as it is a contribution to the final Evaluation Report, which will go into greater detail on these and other areas and bring in other sources of evidence, including from the country case-studies.