These Programme Lessons have been formulated following an extensive consultation process involving the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) staff and consultants, representatives of UN agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and research institutions, who participated in a Technical meeting organized to build on experiences and lessons learned, and identify a way forward for “Linking agriculture and nutrition education to improve young child feeding”.
The Technical meeting was jointly convened by FAO and the Justus Liebig University (JLU) Giessen, Germany and held at the FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy on 6–8 July 2015. A draft version of the Programme Lessons was one of the main outputs from this Technical meeting. Subsequently, the Programme Lessons were developed to include all salient points from the Technical meeting. These were revised through an iterative process with a subgroup of meeting participants and reflect the experience of practitioners and researchers in a range of contexts.
This document should be considered as a “living document”, which can evolve through future updates, and be revised and expanded based on future learning. Our wish is to encourage continued collaboration and dialogue within the network of practitioners.
FAO wishes to acknowledge the following experts for their active engagement in the process of preparing and refining the Programme Lessons:
Lalita Bhattacharjee (FAO Bangladesh), Ruth Butao Ayoade (FAO Mozambique), Esther Evang (FAO, Nutrition and Food Systems Division), Paige Harrigan (Save the Children, UK), Theresa Jeremias (Care Deutschland-Luxemburg, formerly FAO, Nutrition and Food Systems Division), Irmgard Jordan (JLU, Giessen), Gina Kennedy (Bioversity International), Edye Kuyper (University of Calilfornia, Davis), Judiann McNulty (independent Nutrition Consultant), Ellen Muehlhoff (FAO, Nutrition and Food Systems Division), Jennifer Nielsen (Helen Keller International), Stacia Nordin (Never Ending Food, Malawi, formerly FAO Malawi), Jane Sherman (formerly FAO, Nutrition and Food Systems Division), Elizabeth Westaway (formerly FAO, Nutrition and Food Systems Division), and Ramani Wijesinha-Bettoni (FAO, Nutrition and Food Systems Division).