This is the first edition of infection prevention and control (IPC) guidance when a novel coronavirus (nCoV) is suspected. It has been adapted from WHO’s IPC recommendations for MERS-CoV (Infection prevention and control during health care for probable or confirmed cases of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus [MERS-CoV] infection, interim guidance October 2019,
WHO/MERS/IPC/15.1 Rev 11 ), based on our current knowledge of the situation in Wuhan, China and experiences with SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV2 .
WHO will update these recommendations as new information becomes available on the situation in Wuhan, China.
This guidance is intended for health-care workers (HCWs), health-care managers, and IPC teams. Full guidelines are available at Infection prevention and control of epidemic- and pandemic-prone acute respiratory infections in health care2 .
Principles of infection prevention and control strategies associated with health care with suspected nCoV
IPC strategies to prevent or limit infection transmission in health-care settings include the following:
- Early recognition and source control
- Application of Standard Precautions for all patients
- Implementation of empiric additional precautions (droplet and contact and whenever applicable airborne precautions) for suspected cases
- Administrative controls
- Environmental and engineering controls