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Increasing support for climate action


Climate change hits people in poverty hard through extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and changed conditions for agriculture and other livelihoods. It threatens much of the development that has been made in low- and middle-income countries in recent decades. Combating climate change is a high priority for the Swedish Government, and Sida is committed to support its partners in taking climate action. In 2016, Sida provided 2.8 billion SEK in grants for climate action across sectors, making up 15% of Sida’s total disbursements.

Sida provided a total of 2.8 billion SEK in grants for climate action in 2016. This is an increase with 34% compared to 2013. Additional to grants, Sida mobilized 6.9 billion SEK from other sources, through climate relevant guarantees.

In addition to climate finance through Sida, Sweden in 2016 provided 1 billion SEK in multilateral climate finance, including support to the Green Climate Fund, Adaptation Fund and Global Environment Facility. The main focus of Sida’s climate finance is on climate change adaptation. In 2016, as much as 50% of Sida’s climate finance was for adaptation, while 17% was aimed towards mitigation, and 33% was cross-cutting, aiming towards both objectives.