The Paris Agreement, which was finalized at the Conference of Parties 21 (COP21) has been signed by 175 countries on April 22, 2016. This is the first step in implementing this historic agreement which seeks to limit global warming below 2oC. The ratification of this agreement, based on parliamentary discussion and approval within the signing countries would be the next step in making it come into force. Perhaps, this is the best time for nations to reflect on the best ways to implement the Paris Agreement.
This issue of Southasiadisasters.net focuses on the theme of 'Implementing COP21 Paris Agreement'. It highlights the views of some of the most reputed academics and practitioners who have closely followed the evolution of this agreement. Important aspects such as the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), national mitigation and adaptation strategies have been highlighted in this issue.
Similarly, this issue also highlights the role of international partnerships; public systems and sharing of technical know-how between nations in the pursuit of climate justice.
Developing countries like India have the additional onus of reconciling the development aspirations of their people with the commitments of the Paris Agreement. Therefore, it will be valuable to see how innovatively can India and other nations implement the Paris Agreement to make the world safe from the adverse impacts of climate change. – Kshitij Gupta, AIDMI