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I Support My Friends: Field Test Version - Manual for Training of Facilitators and Focal Points


1. Introduction

This tool is the Training of Facilitators and Focal Point Package of the I Support My Friends resource kit.

The I Support My Friends resource kit provides guidance and tools for preparing, designing and implementing training in peer support for children and adolescents. It includes four components:

• The Theory and Implementation Guide presents an overview of the key concepts and theoretical foundation of I Support My Friends. It describes the ethical considerations and child safeguarding actions that must be in place to protect children’s best interests and physical and emotional safety. The Guide also outlines the role and responsibilities, and expected skills and competencies, of trusted adult mentors of child and adolescent peer supporters. This document must be read in its entirety before implementing any training in I Support My Friends.

• The Training Manual provides step-by-step details of the two-day I Support My Friends training for children and adolescents, including the required materials and examples of case studies and stories. The Manual includes tools to support the preparation and implementation of the training. Some of the tools correspond to the worksheets for the child and adolescent participants (these are marked with a footnote).

• The Participant’s Workbook contains the worksheets to be used by the child and adolescent participants. Each participant should receive his or her own workbook, which contains written information as well as space for notes and drawings.

• The Training of Facilitators and Focal Points Package includes the materials needed to build the capacity of the facilitators and Focal Points who will implement the training for children and adolescents and provide follow-up support. The Package includes a training manual (this document), an agenda, and PowerPoint slides. It also includes Annexes to support the capacity-building process of facilitators and Focal Points.

The two-day training of facilitators and Focal Points equips participants with the skills and knowledge to implement I Support My Friends in a safe manner that empowers children and adolescents. The training includes a theoretical and programmatic orientation of the materials and considers ethical and child safeguarding standards throughout. Key aspects such as child development and approaches to facilitation are included to build upon the existing knowledge and experience of participants. A substantial component of the training involves giving participants the opportunity to practice activities from I Support My Friends, guided by accepted good practice in adult learning approaches. Participants are actively involved in contextualising the materials. Time for reflection and reviews after each role-play activity allow the trainer to further highlight certain key issues that the facilitators and Focal Points should be aware of to ensure safe programming.

An additional half-day programme specifically designed for the Focal Points has been developed (Annex 3). This will help Focal Points become familiar with their role and responsibilities, and also with the structure and content of follow-up meetings with peer supporters.