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Humanitarian Funding Update July 2017- United Nations Coordinated Appeals


United Nations Coordinated Appeals

  • As of 31 July, United Nations Coordinated Appeals and Refugee Response Plans within the Global Humanitarian Overview (GHO) require US$23.5 billion to meet the humanitarian needs of 102.3 million crisis-affected people in 38 countries. The appeals are funded at $8.1 billion, leaving a shortfall of $15.4 billion.

  • On 3 July, a $25.2 million appeal was launched to address the urgent medical, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and food security needs of 600,000 people in Gaza impacted by the acute energy crisis which began there in April 2017. On 17 July, UN agencies and humanitarian partners in the Republic of Congo launched a humanitarian response plan requiring $23.7 million to help 138,000 people suffering the repercussions of violence and insecurity in the Pool region. Urgent funding is required to save lives, in particular to address food security and nutrition needs.

  • A series of landslides in Bangladesh led the in-country Humanitarian Coordination Task Team to issue a Response Plan requiring $10 million to provide life-saving assistance, reduce vulnerabilities and strengthen public services for the benefit of 51,000 people over the next six months.

  • In Ukraine, the deteriorating humanitarian situation is triggering increased needs. It will be important to prepare vulnerable people in Ukraine for the coming winter. In Haiti, at heightened risk from the Atlantic hurricane season, 2.4 million people countrywide are factored in to the Humanitarian Response Plan to receive protection, early recovery and other humanitarian aid.

  • In Yemen, an estimated 20.7 million people now require some form of aid – a 10 per cent increase since October 2016. As of 25 July, more than 400,000 suspected cholera cases and nearly 1,900 associated deaths had been reported, while 17 million people were food insecure – a 21 per cent leap since last year. In spite of the desperate situation, as of 25 July partners had received only 43 per cent of total financial requirements for the 2017 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (YHRP). Please see icon overleaf for information on urgent funding needs in CAR, Chad, DPRK, DRC, Haiti, Myanmar, oPt, Republic of Congo, Sudan, Ukraine and Yemen.

  • As at the end of July, the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) has approved $274.7 million for 28 countries. In July the fund allocated $8.5 million to four emergencies, including $2 million to Myanmar to assist people affected by Cyclone Mora, in addition to $1 million for people impacted by the recent deadly landslides in Bangladesh. CERF approved some $2.5 million for the Philippines to prevent the outbreak of communicable and water-borne diseases following the Marawi conflict. In Sudan $3 million of a total $5 million application has been approved for swift reduction in acute malnutrition and mortality in children under age five in newly accessible areas of the Jebel Marra region of Darfur. Forty donors have contributed $347.4 million to the fund thus far in 2017, and an additional contribution of $89.2 million is expected by year-end.

  • As of end July, 23 donors have contributed $477 million (including $110.9 million in pledges) to the 18 country-based pooled funds (CBPFs) active in 2017. Humanitarian partners have received $315 million with another $37.7 million pending approval. The highest amounts have been allocated by Funds in Yemen ($59.4 million), Iraq ($55.5 million) and Ethiopia ($36.6 million). Some 50 per cent has gone to international NGOs, 27 per cent to UN organizations, 22 per cent to national NGOs and 1 per cent to Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement organizations. Real-time information on CBPF contributions and allocations is available on


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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