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Humanitarian Funding Update April 2016 - United Nations Coordinated Appeals


  • As of 30 April, global funding requirements to meet the needs of 89 million people across 39 countries through humanitarian response plans and appeals for 2016 amount to over US$20.3 billion. About $3.8 billion in funding has been received so far, leaving a shortfall of $16.5 billion. With the emergence of new humanitarian crises, global financial requirements have increased by around 2 per cent in the first trimester of the year.

  • The Ecuador Earthquake Flash Appeal issued in April seeks $72.8 million to support 350,000 people with multi-sector life-saving assistance over a three-month period. Also this month, the humanitarian country team in Port-au-Prince concluded a Humanitarian Response Plan for Haiti, requiring $193.8 million to overcome severe food insecurity affecting 1.3 million people, and ensure protection for returnees andOn 26 April, the Emergency Relief Coordinator convened a global call for support and action to avert accumulation of adverse effects of the El Niño crisis. An estimated $3.6 billion is required to respond to this crisis in countries across East Africa, Southern Africa, Central America, Asia and the Pacific, through government plans, plans developed by the humanitarian community, and in some cases joint government-humanitarian country team plans. This figure is expected to escalate.

  • Funding for the Syria Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) and the Syria Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP) is at 13 per cent and 23 per cent respectively. Although the London conference earlier this year saw record-level pledges, many donors have not yet allocated the funds pledged, and disbursement rates remain low. Without tangible contributions, organizations cannot scale up or sustain operations in Syria and the region.

  • Over the last month the Financial Tracking Service (FTS) recorded funding for the Syria 3RP increased by 17 per cent; appeal funding for South Sudan increased by 14 per cent, and funding towards Fiji, Honduras, Senegal, and the Nigeria RRP increased by 12 percent. At the other end of the spectrum, reports on funding for The Gambia have yet to come in. Please see overleaf for information on time-sensitive funding needs.

  • By end-April the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) has received $229.7 million in contributions for 2016 (this is 81 per cent of all commitments and 51 per cent of the annual funding target). The Fund has allocated $96.5 million in rapid response grants to 16 countries, and $99.9 million from the first round of underfunded emergency grants in 9 countries. Following the earthquake in Ecuador, the Emergency Relief Coordinator, Stephen O’Brien announced a

  • $7 million CERF allocation to support immediate life-saving response efforts in affected areas. This funding will help kick-start vital logistics, shelter, WASH, and emergency health operations in affected areas of Ecuador. As the El Niño global climatic events continue to impact tens of millions lives across the globe, CERF has also allocated approximately $50.3 million for life-saving activities in response to drought, floods and cyclones since January this year, with an additional $6 million currently being processed.

  • In the first quarter of 2016, country-based pooled funds (CBPFs) received $171 million from 11 donors. 60 per cent of this funding has gone to NGOs, including 11 per cent to national NGOs. OCHA manages 18 CBPFs in crisis-affected countries, allowing donors to pool their earmarked contributions to a specific emergency and enabling Humanitarian Coordinators and the best-placed organizations on the ground to deliver assistance in a timely and coordinated manner.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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