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Humanitarian Aid on the Move No.15 - April 2015


  • Editorial , Véronique de Geoffroy

  • Humanitarian aid now has its quality standard: progress and issues at stake for field actors, Magali Mourlon

  • Certification: an over-simplified understanding of aid quality?, Hélène Juillard

  • Integrating complexity and uncertainty into the quality debate, François Grünewald

  • Contrasting views – including ‘Neutrality’ in the CHS, Anne de Riedmatten & Nigel Timmins

  • Improving quality, standardisation and the role of funding agencies, Luciano Loiacono

  • Relations between national authorities and humanitarian organisations: an aspect of quality which is too often forgotten, Charles-Antoine Hofmann

  • Humanitarian NGOs: winning back public trust, David Eloy

  • Peer review - a way for the humanitarian sector to learn and improve, Julien Carlier & Hugues Maury

  • Learning and humanitarian organisations: A ‘Golden Age’ of learning?, Paul Knox-Clarke

  • How information management systems can help in the adoption of a Quality approach, Olivier Sarrat

  • Events in "Humanitarian aid on the move" n°15

  • Bibliography on Quality of Aid


Special Issue


Veronique de Geoffroy

The issue of quality is back on the international agenda with the launch of the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS), the ideas and proposals from the SCHR's certification project and the preparatory work for the World Humanitarian Summit, noteably on aid effectiveness.

Groupe URD has taken an active interest in these initiatives, in keeping with our work in this area over the last 15 years to help improve aid practices. We have facilitated multi-actor debates and discussions and have been involved in the development of the CHS and its related tools. Given all this effervescence, we felt it would be a good idea to do this special issue of Humanitarian Aid on the Move. It explores different aspects of quality in aid through a series of articles by humanitarians, donors, journalists and researchers.

The different points of view expressed show the complexity of the subject, which is not restricted to technical questions, but also raises political, organizational and ethical issues. This diversity also suggests that there is still much to do in this domain…