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HHR 2019 Conference Report - Building Trust in People, in Organisations and in the Sector (2-4 October)



This report is designed to summarise the HHR 2019 conference and outline what happened throughout the event.

> Conference theme and objectives

Today, many aid organisations recognise the importance of accountability to affected populations, to staff and to donors. Yet in practice this is not always easy to achieve.

“How can we, as humanitarian HR professionals, be at the forefront of driving positive culture change within our organisation?”

This question was at the heart of this year’s HHR and the conference focused on building trust in people, in organisations and in the sector.

Together we looked at:

• Understanding the concept, principles and benefits of “High Trust” workplaces for the humanitarian aid sector;

• Sharing case studies and lessons on how organisations build and repair trust levels;

• Discovering the role that leaders and HR should play in the creation of open, transparent, honest and dialogue-centred cultures;

• Exploring the incorporation of Code of Conduct and other people management policies as a way to sustain trust;

• Developing actions to build team awareness and alignment around the value of trust.

The conference was designed so that participants would be able to:

• Understand and use good people management practices as foundational elements of their organisation;

• Define key steps that HR professionals and leaders can take for re-wiring their organisations to build accountability and trust.