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Guidance Note on Recovery: Private Sector



The Guidance Note on Recovery: Private Sector draws from the wider body of knowledge on private sector recovery and from documented experiences of past and present disaster planning and recovery e orts. Materials have been collected through desk review and direct consultations with relevant experts. These experiences and lessons learned are classi ed into the following four major issues:

  1. The Disaster Recovery Role of the Private Sector

  2. Engaging the Private Sector in Disaster Recovery

  3. Public Sector Support of Private Sector Recovery

  4. Public Support of Privately Owned/Operated Infrastructure

The materials are presented in conjunction with relevant case studies. Analysis of many of the cases, which highlights key lessons and notes points of caution and clarification, is provided. The case study format has been chosen in order to provide the reader to draw a richer description of recovery approaches, thus permitting the reader to draw other lessons or conclusions relative to a particular context.

While it is recognized that certain activities or projects presented in this Guidance Note may have met with success in the context described, the reader must keep in mind that there is no guarantee that the same or similar activities will generate equal results across all contexts. Cultural norms, socioeconomic conditions, gender relations, and myriad other factors can and do influence the process and outcome of any planned activity. Therefore, the following case studies are not intended as prescriptive solutions to be applied, but rather as experiences to inspire the reader, to generate contextually relevant ideas, and where appropriate, to be adapted and applied in practice.

There exist a number of published documents that recovery planners will d invaluable in building their efforts. It is our intention for this guidance note to complement rather than replace or duplicate these resources. To the extent possible, this document is consistent with these existing publications.