Guidance note on partnership practices for localisation
More than 400 humanitarian agencies contributed to identifying the priority partnership practices for localisation; approximately 85% of them were local/national actors. The basis of the guidance note is the findings of the research conducted in Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria and South Sudan in 2018 as part of the Accelerating Localisation through Partnerships programme. It was further reviewed by participants of the regional and global Grand Bargain Localisation Workstream conferences in 2019 and Localisation Workstream members. This guidance note is a product of the Grand Bargain Localisation Workstream but does not necessarily represent the official position of Workstream members and co-conveners. ‘Local actors/partners’ refers to the full diversity of local and national government, NGOs, CSOs, CBOs, womenled organisations, youth groups and more. ‘International actors/partners’ refers to the full diversity of international NGOs and UN agencies. ‘Humanitarian actors’ refers to all those engaged in humanitarian action.