The last few months have seen a renewed energy in our collective commitment to the Grand Bargain.
The Annual Independent Report has shown growing normative, and in some cases, operational shifts in the last year, particularly in cash programming, multi-year funding and planning, localization, harmonized reporting and needs assessments. Several of the workstreams have been producing tangible outcomes, including increased use of cash, rolling out of the 8+3 reporting template, and developing tools and guidance for advancing coordinated needs assessment and analysis. As a proof of this new energy, at the Grand Bargain Annual Meeting on 27 June 2019, the Signatories laid out collective and individual action points to move forward with scaling up successes and addressing challenges to make progress for affected people and to strengthen the humanitarian process. At the Annual Meeting, the new Eminent Person, Ms Sigrid Kaag, laid out her vision for identifying what could practically and collectively be achieved in the next two years to strengthen effectiveness and efficiency through the Grand Bargain. Please find below a short overview of these achievements. Don't hesitate to reach out to us with your news or any questions you might have. We look forward to hearing from you!
The Grand Bargain Secretariat