Global Overview: ENSO-neutral conditions continue and La Niña is favored to emerge during September-November. Flooding lingers in West Africa, Yemen, and Central America; while drought settles in over Northern South America.
Africa Weather Hazards
Active weather is expanding into Central and Southern Africa; The October – December (OND) season continues to be very poor in East Africa, with persistent rainfall deficits in Somalia and eastern Kenya.
The Sudd wetlands in South Sudan remain inundated.
Heavy rainfall in eastern Sudan and northeastern Ethiopia has caused flooding. The forecasted heavy rainfall over Ethiopia increases flood risks in Afar, Djibouti, and southern Eritrea.
Severe flooding persists in Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, northern Sierra Leone, central and southern Mali,
Senegal, southern Niger, northern Nigeria, central and southern Chad, and northern Cameroon. -
Insufficient rainfall during July and August has led to abnormal dryness in Ghana, central Togo, central Benin, and parts of western Nigeria. Eastern Nigeria, and central and eastern Cameroon have also experienced abnormal dryness and drought as a result of a poor rainfall distribution since early April.
Southeastern Ethiopia and central and southern Somalia are experiencing abnormal dryness due to below-average rainfall since late September. Dry conditions have spread into Kenya and continued in Somalia, resulting in a drought in Somalia.
Abnormally hot conditions are forecasted in northwestern Africa, eastern Kenya, southern Somalia, and southeastern Madagascar.