Despite recent rainfall, dryness remains in parts of South Africa and Madagascar
Africa Weather Hazards
Seasonal rainfall during early November has helped alleviate early season moisture deficits across Somalia and eastern Kenya. However, deficits in southern Somalia and eastern Kenya remain.
The forecast below-average rain next week is likely strengthen moisture deficits. -
Unusually low rainfall since mid-October has resulted in large moisture deficits across several provinces of South Africa, Lesotho, and Swaziland. The continuation of poor rainfall may adversely impact ongoing cropping activities in the region.
Although rainfall has improved in some areas of southern Madagascar since mid-November, negative vegetation conditions are still widely recorded.
Abundant rain is forecast over east-central South Africa, increasing potential for flash flooding over parts of the Free State, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, and KwaZulu-Natal provinces next week.