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Global Weather Hazards Summary: April 3 - 9, 2015


Abnormal dryness continues to develop in central Ethiopia and bi-modal Tanzania

Africa Weather Hazards

  1. Despite an increase in rainfall during the last week, ground moisture remains below average parts of southwestern and east-central Ethiopia. Moderate to heavy rains are forecast in southern and western Ethiopia, while below-average rainfall is expected in the central parts of the country during the next week.

  2. Below-average rainfall over bi-modal northern Tanzania during the past several weeks has increased rainfall deficits and affected crop conditions. An increase in rainfall is expected across Tanzania and neighboring countries during the next week.

  3. Since late December, below-average and poorly distributed rainfall has led to abnormal dryness across a broad portion of southern Africa. Below average seasonal rainfall and untimely dry spells are likely to lead to reductions in crop production in parts of southern Angola, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe,
    Lesotho, and South Africa.

  4. Extended dry spells since January have led to large rainfall deficits in northeastern Namibia. With the end of the rainy season approaching, recovery is unlikely