Belg rainfall remains delayed in Ethiopia, dryness worsens in Malawi and Mozambique
Africa Weather Hazards
Rainfall continues to be below-average across several local areas of southwestern and east-central Ethiopia. Further delay of rainfall during April is likely to adversely affect cropping activities for several Belgproducing areas.
Torrential rainfall since early April has triggered localized flooding, livestock losses, displacement of thousands of people, and fatalities in parts of southern Kenya and northern Tanzania. Average to above-average rains forecast for the next week may worsen ground conditions.
Below-average rainfall over bi-modal northern Tanzania during the past several weeks has increased rainfall deficits and affected crop conditions. Increased rains over northwestern Tanzania have helped to alleviate short-term moisture deficits.
Rapidly developing moisture deficits associated with an early cessation of the southern Africa monsoon has negatively affected cropping conditions for parts of northern Malawi and northern Mozambique.
Since late December, below-average and poorly distributed rainfall has led to abnormal dryness across a broad portion of southern Africa. Below average seasonal rainfall and untimely dry spells are likely to lead to reductions in crop production in parts of southern Angola, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Zambia, and South Africa.
Poorly distributed rainfall and extended dry spells since January have led to large rainfall deficits and below-average vegetation growth in southern Angola and northern Namibia.