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The Global Shelter Cluster Research Agenda


The Global Shelter Cluster Research Agenda presented at the HNPW

This session was targeted to humanitarian practitioners, research and evidence actors, and donors at global or country level, who are well placed to inform and take forward the research agenda of the Global Shelter Cluster.

The Global Shelter Cluster is developing a research agenda to guide researchers, humanitarian practitioners and funding agencies by providing a framework of prioritised research themes which will contribute to improved shelter policy and practice in humanitarian crises.

Shelter and settlements in humanitarian crises remain an under-researched aspect of humanitarian response. The Global Shelter Cluster used a consultative approach to identify gaps in the shelter and settlements evidence base and establish the research priorities of humanitarian shelter practitioners engaged in the coordination of humanitarian response.

The resulting research agenda is based on analysis of data collected from 20 Cluster Coordinators and 24 academic partner organisations in 42 countries. It also incorporates an earlier GSC study based on a consultation with 11 member organisations of the Global Shelter Cluster Strategic Advisory Group (SAG).

The GSC research agenda consists of three priority themes:

  • Cash and Markets Approaches for Shelter and Settlements in Humanitarian Crises
  • The Wider Impacts of Shelter and Settlements in Humanitarian Crises
  • Supporting the Longer Term of Shelter and Settlements in Humanitarian Crises