A cholera outbreak is ongoing in eastern Sudan. In El Gedaref, the local hospital is admitting as many as five suspected cases per day, while in Red Sea state, over 500 suspected cases were reported at the beginning of February. In Port Sudan, Red Sea state, 38 cases of scabies have been detected, highlighting the lack of safe water provision. In the Two areas, the SPLM-N refuses to accept a plan proposed by the US government for delivering humanitarian assistance as they do not agree to the supply route that would be used.
In 2016, over 900,000 people were internally displaced, up from over 700,000 in 2015. In total, over 2.2 million IDPs have been recorded since 2009. Over 90% of the displacement is due to armed conflict. Inter-communal violence between Luba and Batwa communities in Tanganyika has resulted in over 234,000 people displaced in the province in 2016.
Food water, and fuel are primary concerns among returnees, particularlz in east Mosul neighbourhoods. Electricity has been cut by IS and over 80% of infrastructure damaged. Premature returns are also a major concern in areas without proper decontamination. Protection risks have been heightened by increased fighting and casualties across the country and violent protests in the capital, including in Baghdad's green zone where 180 casualties occurred. Recent IS attacks in Baghdad, Mosul, Diyala and Tal Afar have resulted in at least 10 deaths and 34 injuries, including the shooting of an Algerian journalist. Fighting in Tal Afar also continues.
Updated: 14/02/2017.
Next GEO updated on Tuesday 21 February 2017.