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Global Emergency Overview Snapshot, 9 - 15 December 2015


Snapshot 9–15 December 2015

Burundi: 87 people were killed in Bujumbura on 11 December in the worst violence since April. Opposition to President Nkurunziza’s third term has become increasingly violent since August, with a harsh response from security forces. Over 223,000 refugees have now fled to neighbouring countries, and at least 15,000 IDPs are reported. Insecurity has severely weakened the economy and disrupted agriculture, leaving an estimated 700,000 Burundians food insecure despite relatively good growing conditions. Heavy rains and landslides threaten to exacerbate a fragile humanitarian situation in the coming months.

Côte d'Ivoire: An estimated 218,000 people are facing Crisis (IPC Phase 3) food security outcomes in Cote d'Ivoire, resulting from the combined effects of civil conflict that ended in 2011 and recent drought. The civil strife's impact is still reflected in agricultural production and food markets. Worst affected areas are in the north.

Ethiopia: Food security continues to deteriorate rapidly, with 10.2 million people estimated in need of food assistance as of December, an increase of nearly 2 million since mid-September. The situation is having an impact on acute malnutrition. The number of priority areas for nutrition intervention has increased by 30% since August. The most affected areas are in Afar, eastern Oromia, Amhara, Tigray, and Sitti zone of Somali region.

Tajikistan: At least 124,500 people were affected by the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that struck the district of Murghob, 111km southwest of Karakul, in the autonomous region of Gorno-Badakhshan (GBAO), on 7 December. At least two people died, 14 were injured, and over 7,960 were displaced. 1,320 houses were either damaged or destroyed, throughout five districts.

Updated: 15/12/2015. Next update: 22/12/2015

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