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Global Emergency Overview Snapshot, 6 - 12 January 2016


DRC: Violence between Hutu and Nande, in Miriki, Lubero, Nord-Kivu, allegedly over land, has left 17 dead and over 20,000 displaced. The displaced urgently need food and drinking water.

Iraq: In Ramadi and Hawija, Islamic State has stalled civilians’ attempts to escape conflict zones and persecution. People from Hawija must trek for two days across mountainous terrain to reach safety: 60 people were reported to have died on the journey between November 2015 and January 2016.

Kenya: Heavy rains since October, driven by El Niño, have affected more than 240,000 people across the country. 103,000 people have been displaced and 112 people have died. The rains have caused serious infrastructural damage in many counties. In Kisumu and Narok counties, separate incidents of intercommunal conflict over livestock theft have led to a number of deaths, houses set alight, and displacement of thousands of people.

South Sudan: Armed clashes between government forces and non-state groups in Western Equatoria, which surged in 2015, continue to cause insecurity and drive displacement. There are reports of violence against civilians including sexual assaults and the looting of property. Since late December, 15,000 people have been displaced in Yambio and Tambura counties. At least 8,000 people are reported to have fled to neighbouring countries. Updated: 12/01/2016. Next update: 19/01/2016.

See the Crisis Overview 2015: Humanitarian Trends and Risks 2016, ACAPS' overview of long-term trends in humanitarian needs for major crises, and scenarios outlining their potential evolution in 2016.

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