As part of the broader Global Annual Results Report, the Goal Area 2 Chapter presents results on the education programme, policy and advocacy efforts supported by UNICEF and its partners across the globe to protect and fulfill the right of children to education. This programme covers two result areas around access and quality of education.
Education is a right enshrined in articles 28 and 29 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. UNICEF’s work in Goal Area 2, including in humanitarian crises and fragile settings, advances SDG 4 and contributes to many other global goals, including SDG 5 on gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, and SDG 8 on sustainable, inclusive economic growth and decent work for all. In 2023, UNICEF achieved significant progress across Goal Area 2 result areas.
Headline results:
- Nearly 40 million children and adolescents (half of them girls) accessed education, including over 17 million in emergencies.
- Over 30 million children (half of them girls) reached with learning materials, including 5 million in emergencies.