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Gender-Based Violence Manual


About This Manual

What is it?

This manual provides an overview of the key issues related to gender-based violence (GBV) in the context of WFP’s operations. It seeks to guide staff and partners so they can better identify and respond to GBV risks related to hunger and nutrition and to WFP programmes.

In particular, the guidance aims to identify practical steps to ensure that WFP staff are able to:

  • Understand what GBV means;

  • Understand how GBV is relevant to WFP;

  • Conduct GBV analysis in order to identify GBV-related threats, vulnerabilities, capacities, gaps and opportunities;

  • Apply specific measures to prevent, mitigate and respond to GBV threats within the context of WFP’s activities;

  • Identify opportunities to address GBV through food assistance, thereby achieving a dual objective of food security and protection;

  • Monitor GBV risks in the operational context;

  • Refer GBV survivors to appropriate service providers in a safe and ethical way; and

  • Manage GBV case reporting in a safe and ethical way.

Who is it for?

This guidance is intended to reach all WFP staff and partners. It is especially important for those who are involved in one or more steps of WFP’s programme cycle, including managers, programme officers and field monitors.

How should it be used?

The guidance should be used as a reference tool for integrating GBV as a protection concern into WFP operations. It does not provide a comprehensive overview of all types of GBV risks. Rather, it serves to guide staff through the process of identifying relevant GBV risks in their operational country context. It is ultimately up to WFP staff to determine how to adapt and apply the guidance to their situation. This guidance should be reviewed before planning, implementing and monitoring programmes and field activities.


The guidance is divided into the following sections:

Part 1 Introducing GBV Introduces the broader concept of GBV, explains WFP’s approach to GBV, and provides the policy framework for GBV as a protection concern for WFP.

Part 2 Incorporating GBV in WFP Operations Outlines how to conduct a GBV analysis, explains incorporation of GBV in the programme cycle and provides a generic GBV risk analysis for each modality and programme type.

Part 3 Addressing GBV Incidents Through Referrals Outlines the process by which WFP staff should refer protection and GBV incidents that go beyond their expertise or capacity to respond; and

Part 4 Advocacy, Partnerships and Coordination Explains GBV advocacy, introduces key actors and partners in GBV, and highlights key interagency monitoring and reporting mechanisms.