International prices of wheat rose in October after declining during the past few months due to strong demand for exports and lower production prospects in key producing countries of the Southern Hemisphere. Prices of maize also increased, supported by reduced supplies in the United States of America and a pick-up in sales from Argentina and Ukraine. By contrast, slow demand and harvest pressure caused international rice prices to subside.
In Southern Africa, tight supplies and currency weakness in several countries continued to support prices of the main food staple, maize, which remained at high levels across the subregion.
In East Africa, prices of coarse grains in October were at levels well above those a year earlier in several countries of the subregion, mainly due to reduced harvests. In the Sudan and South Sudan, prices of coarse grains remained stable or declined slightly but were still high due to the difficult macroeconomic situation.
In CIS Asia, prices of wheat flour in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan recorded atypical increases in October, after several months of relative stability, mainly underpinned by higher price quotations in the regional export market.