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FOCUS Global Newsletter Issue 1, Jan 2010



Providing food aid in remote mountainous areas of Afghanistan

Drought, famine, severe weather conditions and other climate change-induced hazards pose significant risks for most of Afghanistan, often adding to the impact of the global food crisis on local populations. Coupled with a volatile economy and labour market, these hazards leave isolated mountainous communities with restricted access to food. In 2009, through partnerships with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the Afghan Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development, FOCUS distributed over US$2m in food aid to over 15,000 vulnerable families in Shiva, Darwaz and Shughnan districts of the Badakhshan province. Between May and July 2009, FOCUS also responded to 28 flood incidents in Badakhshan and Baghlan by supplying tents, blankets and food to affected families. Currently, FOCUS is conducting a European Commission funded Food for Work project for 199 flood affected families in Shughnan, Ishkashim and Zebak in the Badakhshan province to provide food until the next harvest in June 2010.