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Factsheet: EU budget for the refugee crisis


Addressing the refugee crisis and managing our external borders are top priorities for the European Union. We have more than doubled EU funding to meet these challenges in 2015 and 2016.

EU funding in and outside the EU

Funding inside the EU

AMIF and ISF* € 3.70 bn
Emergency funding € 335 m
Long-term measures € 3.365 bn
Additional support to agencies and their operations € 170 m
Distribution of dairy products to the refugees € 30 m
TOTAL € 3.9 bn

Funding outside the EU

Humanitarian aid € 2.15 bn
Security and border control € 300 m
Counter terrorism € 100 m
Trust Fund for Syria € 500 m
Return of refugees and displaced persons € 280 m
Education and health € 70 m
EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa € 1.8 bn
Facility for Refugees in Turkey € 1 bn
TOTAL € 6.2 bn