Impact on civilians in populated vs unpopulated areas
87% of civilians killed and injured in a populated area
11% of civilians killed and injured in an unpopulated area
At least one death or injury from the use of explosive weapons was recorded in 21 countries and territories in July 2021. The five most affected countries/territories in terms of civilian casualties from the use of explosive weapons were Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Somalia. Worldwide, there were 209 recorded incidents of explosive weapon use, causing 1,456 casualties, of which 887 (61%) were civilians.
There were 10 incidents of explosive weapon use affecting aid access, education and healthcare services in four countries:
Afghanistan, Myanmar, Sudan and Syria. A high number of incidents affected healthcare services in Syria. This data may include some incidents where the device did not detonate or where there were no civilian casualties, and includes incidents where historical items such as unexploded ordnance were found and which affected the provision of these services.