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Ensuring protection of all survivors of conflict related sexual violence: Gender responsive measures to meet survivors’ needs


Concept Note for an Event on Conflict-related Sexual Violence Protection of Civilians Week



  • Counsellor Myriam Oehri, Deputy Permanent Representative and Chargée d’Affaires a.i., Permanent Mission of Liechtenstein to the UN in New York


  • Under Secretary General Virginia Gamba, UN Special Representative of the Secretary General on Children and Armed Conflict (SRSG CAAC)

  • Ms. Laëtitia Courtois, Permanent Observer and Head of Delegation, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), New York - Ms. Charu Lata Hogg, Executive Director, All Survivors Project (ASP)

Objectives and Expected Outcomes of the Event

The overall objective of the event is to raise awareness and action on the need for an intersectional gender analysis in designing protection of civilians’ strategies with a view to prevent conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) against all people with a specific focus on men and boys including those who face multiple, intersecting discriminations.

The expected outcomes are:

  • Participants are better informed of the nature, scale, impact and consequences of CRSV against men and boys and its relevance to the protection of civilians in armed conflict (PoC) agenda;

  • Participants gain a deeper understanding of the risks of sexual violence perpetrated against men and boys and contribute to identify prevention measures;

  • Member States, civil society organisations, and UN entities share experiences and contribute to the collective knowledge building on the nexus between CRSV and PoC;

  • Those working to deliver responses to victims/survivors of CRSV present needs on the ground to ensure a survivor-centred, trauma-informed and gender-inclusive response to CRSV to be integrated into the PoC agenda.