The media plays an important role in de-escalating conflicts and deconstructing patriarchal attitudes and social prejudices about women’s ability to engage and participate in decision-making and peacebuilding. Therefore, it is necessary to have a balanced and fair media content that is gender and conflict sensitive as it relates to the depiction of women, their rights, and their issues through the various forms of conflict coverage.
These guidelines for gender and conflict sensitive reporting are a compilation of the editorial guidelines that were produced by IMS’ partners Consejo de Rédaccion in Colombia, Myanmar Journalists Institute in Myanmar and Syrian Female Journalists Network in Syria. In each of the three contexts, wide consultations were held with journalists, editors and women’s and LGBTQ+ organisations for the development of comprehensive editorial guidelines on gender and conflict-sensitive journalism. Despite the socio-political differences, these are the guidelines that were identified as crucial in all three of the countries. The fact that a common core of recommendations were shared in such different political situations speaks to the common challenges women face in the context of armed conflict.
The editorial guidelines were developed as a part on IMS programme on media’s role in the implementation of the UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. The guidelines are part of a soon-to-come publication that will contain reflections on the role of the media in gender and peacebuilding, practical tips on how the media can advance the WPS Agenda and samples of publications that were done within the programme.