The Humanitarian-Development-Peace nexus recognizes conflict as a threat multiplier to climate change and seeks to integrate conflict sensitivity into policies and actions around natural resources. Competition for natural resources in dryland areas often leads to conflict between host communities and displaced people. The Doing No Harm While Doing Good: Climate and Conflict Sensitivity in Dryland Humanitarian Projects policy brief evidences this fragility of ecosystems in humanitarian settings through a thorough review of three innovative projects implemented by FAO, CGIAR and CARE, consultations with Think Tank organizations in Africa and Middle East and practitioners on the ground. It argues that humanitarian interventions should both address and redress the environmental impact of displaced populations and protection of dryland natural resources must be seen as a vital part of programme implementation and aims to provide decision makers with potential ways in which the Humanitarian, Development and Peace Nexus can be implemented in relief activities in dryland ecologically fragile environments.
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