New NGO inter-agency group learning review highlights successes and challenges of Disaster Risk Reduction initiatives
The massive human and economic costs of recent disasters such as the 2010 Haiti earthquake and the floods in Pakistan have once again highlighted the critical importance of supporting countries to prevent, prepare for and mitigate the impacts of disasters, as well as adapt to changing climatic conditions. Five years in to the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action, the global Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) community is taking stock of what has been achieved to date and what more needs to be done.
A new learning review from five agencies – ActionAid, Christian Aid, Practical Action, Plan and Tearfund – looks at how collective experience of DRR can inform future initiatives on four key areas: choices and priorities in DRR; vulnerability and risk assessment; scaling up; and governance.
Aimed at DRR and climate change adaptation practitioners and policy makers, the review synthesises learning from projects funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and implemented by the five agencies from 2005-2010. Experiences from over twenty countries across Africa, Asia and the Americas demonstrate both successful approaches to building resilience to disasters, as well as the challenges that DRR initiatives continue to encounter.
Download the full report through the Eldis Community DRR site
Airlie Taylor
Communications Officer. International Emergencies and Conflict Team. ActionAid International
33-39 Bowling Green Lane EC1R 0BJ Tel: +44 (0)20 3122 0538 Skype: aai_airliet Twitter: airliet