Period covered: January to December 2014
The DREF allocated a total amount of CHF 19,160,289 in 2014, to 72 different National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to support their response to 102 disaster events. The amount was 5 per cent lower than forecast but 2 per cent higher the amount allocated in 2013. The main difference was the amount of allocations made as start-up funding for emergency appeal operations, which were 63 per cent higher than 2013. A total of 27 emergency appeals were launched in 2014. DREF allocations were made for 21 of these appeals. The amount of allocations made as grants to small-scale operations implemented by National Societies for which no emergency appeal was launched, or DREF operations, was 13 per cent lower than in 2013, although the number of allocations made was the same (83 compared to 82).