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Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) Annual Report 2013 (MAA00010)


Period covered: January to December 2013


The DREF allocated a total amount of CHF 18,789,333 in 2013 to 62 different National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to support their response to 94 disaster events. Eighty per cent of the allocations, CHF 14,974,333, were made as grants to small-scale operations implemented by National Societies for which no emergency appeal was launched, known as DREF operations. Eighty two allocations were made for 78 different DREF operations compared to 104 in 2012. CHF 3,815,000 was allocated as loans of start-up funding to 16 emergency appeals, compared to 30 in 2012.

Financial situation and analysis

The budget or target for 2013 was CHF 19,724,924. CHF 19 million was sought to cover the allocations and CHF 729,924 to cover coordination costs. Total income was CHF 21,702,823 (110 per cent of target). Contributions amounted to CHF 21,694,715 and CHF 8,108 was paid in interest on the balance of the fund.

CHF 18,789,333 was disbursed as allocations for operations in 2013 and a total of CHF 4,820,771 was reimbursed to the fund as DREF loans and unspent balances of DREF grants made in 2013 and previous years, resulting in a total outlay of CHF 13,968,562

The DREF coordination expenditure amounted to CHF 568,157, which is 21.6 per cent below the annual budget of CHF 724,924.

There was consequently a positive balance of funds in 2013 of CHF 7,166,104. The opening balance on 1 January 2013 was CHF 8,566,653 and the closing balance on 31 December 2013 was CHF 15,732,757.

A total of CHF 2,089,274 of loans, or 55 per cent of the total, had been reimbursed at the year end. Further reimbursements will be made in 2014. Loan reimbursements for 2012 stood at 80 per cent.

Number of people reached

Operations supported by DREF during the twelve month period aimed to bring assistance to an estimated 8,041,400 people.

This number includes direct and indirect beneficiaries of assistance, such as people reached through social mobilization for vaccination and hygiene promotion campaigns.