This resource kit is intended for United Nations (UN), nongovernmental organization (NGO), community-based organization (CBO) and disabled persons' organization (DPO) field staff working with refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced persons (IDPs) with disabilities. It is intended to provide practical ideas on how to improve services and protection for people with disabilities and enhance their inclusion and participation in community affairs. It is based on the findings of five country field studies, as well global desk research into other refugee and IDP programs and an analysis of existing international policies and practices relating to displaced persons with disabilities. The resource kit is a compilation of lessons learned and ideas for action. It is not intended as authoritative guidelines. It is an initiative that the Women's Commission hopes will be built on and developed over time, with input from a broad range of humanitarian actors, CBOs, DPOs and displaced persons with disabilities themselves. References to relevant international guidelines are given after each section.