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Crop Monitor for Early Warning | No. 90 - February 2024



In northern East Africa, main season harvesting is ongoing under mainly poor conditions. In the south, second season harvesting continues under mixed conditions as previous heavy rains and flooding resulted in poor conditions in Somalia, and concern remains in parts of Kenya and the United Republic of Tanzania. In West Africa, harvesting of both main and second season cereals is complete or nearing completion in all countries with generally favourable yield outcomes expected. In the Middle East and North Africa, there is concern for wheat development across much of North Africa where deficit rains persist and are forecast to continue (see Regional Outlook Pg. 8), and socio-economic concerns continue to impact agricultural activities in Libya and Syria. Agro-climatic conditions remain favourable in Egypt and the Middle East. In Southern Africa, main season cereals continue to develop under mixed conditions with expanding dry areas despite brief rainfall improvements in late 2023, and rains are forecast to be below-average in February (see Regional Outlook Pg. 11). In Central and South Asia, prevailing dry conditions are a concern for crop development and yield prospects in most regions, and above-average temperatures are expected to continue and could contribute to increased vulnerability and moisture stress during the spring (see Regional Outlook Pg. 13). In southern Southeast Asia, conditions are generally favourable for wet-season rice harvesting. In the north, some areas of Thailand and Viet Nam may be impacted by a shortage of agricultural water despite currently favourable conditions for dry-season rice planting. In Central America & the Caribbean, Segunda/Postrera yields are likely to be affected by generally erratic rainfall distribution and high temperatures that affected normal crop development.