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Crop Monitor for Early Warning | No. 55 – November 2020



In East Africa, harvesting of main season cereals is underway in the north while planting and development of second season cereals continued in October in central and southern regions. There is concern in areas affected by flooding, desert locusts, dry conditions, and ongoing conflict and socio-economic challenges. In West Africa, harvesting of main season crops finalized in some areas while planting and development of second season crops is underway, and conditions are favourable except in areas affected by conflict. In the Middle East and North Africa, planting of winter wheat began in October under favourable conditions except in conflict-affected Syria and Libya. In Egypt, harvesting of summer-planted maize and rice crops continued under favourable conditions. In Southern Africa, harvesting of winter wheat is underway and will finalize in November while land preparation and planting of main season crops started in October, and overall conditions are favourable. In Central and South Asia, harvesting of spring wheat crops finalized in October with favourable end of season conditions, and planting of winter wheat continued under generally favourable conditions except in Afghanistan. In Southeast Asia, conditions are mostly favourable for the ongoing wet-season rice harvest in the north despite flooding and landslides from recent tropical cyclone activity. In Indonesia, harvesting of dry-season rice is nearing completion, and yields are favourable although slightly below the previous year. In Central America and the Caribbean, harvesting of Postera/Segunda season bean and maize crops is underway, and while good rainfall distribution benefitted crops, Hurricane Eta poses a high threat to crops as strong winds and heavy rains are expected across parts of the subregion.