In East Africa, production prospects for 2020 main season cereals are favourable, except in areas where conflict, flooding, and desert locusts impacted agricultural activities. Harvest is complete for the secondary Belg season maize crops in Ethiopia and poor production resulted. In West Africa, harvesting of main season cereal crops began in the south while planting activities continued in the Sahel, and overall crop prospects are favourable. In North Africa, harvesting of wheat and barley crops finalized in July, and below-average production resulted in Morocco and parts of Algeria and Tunisia where crops were unable to recover from seasonal drought and high temperatures. In the Middle East, harvesting of wheat crops finalized in July, and final yields were favourable except in areas affected by conflict. In Southern Africa, winter wheat crops are developing under favourable conditions, and planting of main season cereal crops continued in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In Central and South Asia, conditions are favourable for the harvesting of winter wheat crops and development of spring wheat crops. In northern Southeast Asia, growing conditions for wetseason rice are generally favourable and have improved from early-season dryness. In Indonesia, there is a small reduction in wet-season rice yields and output due to drought. In Central America and the Caribbean, overall conditions are favourable for the development of Primera season crops to be harvested in September, except in Haiti where drought and pest damage are likely to affect yields.