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Crop Monitor for Early Warning | No. 100 - December 2024



In northern East Africa, conditions are mixed for main season cereals as heavy rains and flooding contributed to poor yields in some areas, though the rains were generally conducive for Meher season crops in Ethiopia. In the south, delayed and below-average rains continue to impact second season cereals in most areas.

In West Africa, harvesting of main season cereals is complete or nearing completion in all regions, and while yields are expected to be favourable in regions not impacted by active insecurity, mixed rainfall outcomes this season could result in production declines in some areas.

In the Middle East & North Africa, planting of winter wheat continues under mixed conditions due to early season dryness that is forecast to continue through February.

In Southern Africa, wheat harvesting is nearing completion under mostly favourable to exceptional conditions, except in Zambia where low reservoir levels prevented adequate irrigation use. Planting for the 2024/25 main season is underway, and conditions are generally favourable despite rainfall delays in some areas.

In Central & South Asia, planting and development of winter wheat continues under mostly favourable conditions except in parts of Afghanistan. Drier than normal conditions are forecast to continue through the beginning of 2025.

In Southeast Asia, conditions are generally favourable for dry-season rice harvesting in the south and wet-season rice harvesting in the north, except in parts of the Philippines where the passage of multiple cyclones of varying strengths is expected to reduce yields.

In Central America & the Caribbean, there is concern for Segunda/Postrera season crop development in several areas due to erratic rains, hot temperatures, and recent impacts from Tropical Storm Sara. Conversely, growing conditions are mostly favourable in eastern Nicaragua.