The IFRC COVID-19 emergency response operation is a global response of individual domestic responses. The IFRC network comprises 192 member Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies, responding to the local needs of those affected by COVID- 19 in their own countries, based on their respective mandates and COVID-19 National Society Response Plans. They are supported by the membership and by the IFRC Secretariat, in a Federation-wide approach.
The Federation-wide CHF 1.9 billion appeal laid out the broad support needs, and this update reports on the progress in executing this plan over the first 9 months. The structure starts with a birds-eye- view and then zooms in, looking first at what has been accomplished from the Federation-wide perspective. Next, it looks to the progress of IFRC Secretariat support, first globally, then regionally, including country-level National Society response highlights. Finally, the interim Financial Report provides information on the level of donor response, income, budgets, and registered expenditure at the end of the October 2020 reporting period, disaggregated by country, regional and thematic level.
COVID-19 Federation-wide Overview
This 9 month report on the Federation-wide response to COVID-19 continues the harmonized and transparent approach to accountability across the global Red Cross Red Crescent network of National Societies together with the IFRC.
Through the COVID-19 Emergency Appeal the IFRC seeks CHF 1.9 Billion for the global work across 3 priorities:
- I: Sustaining Health and WASH
- II: Addressing Socio-economic impact
- III: Strengthening National Societies
Out of this total amount, the IFRC specifically seeks CHF 450 Million for multi-lateral assistance provided through the IFRC to National Societies and for Secretariat services and functions assigned to the Covid-19 global response.
Results of the quarterly Federation-wide data collection are published through dashboards and other visualizations under the Covid-19 Global Operation pages on the GO platform. The following pages attempt to provide an overview on needs, results and achievements of National Societies.
Please note that the financial and response data in this report is as of 14 December 2020. To see updated numbers, visit the interactive dashboards on