This technical note provides guidance for measuring people reached by services provided by Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies and the IFRC (hereafter referred as the Federation Network). This includes services provided in an emergency operations or development programming, or as part of overall National Society of IFRC Secretariat annual reporting.
As Box 1 highlights, counting people reached can be tricky and this technical note is in response to field based demand for guidance to help programme and project team reliably count people reached, providing evidence-based data that support:
• Decision-making,
• Organisational learning,
• Accountability to those we serve and those who fund our services.
It is important to note that there may be instance where counting requirements from donors for people reached may differ from that presented in this guide. In such instances, it is important to dialogue with the donor to see whether the protocol outlined in this guide can replace those of the donor, or whether funding requirements necessitate a different protocol.