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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): Situation Report - 61 (21 March 2020)



• Six new countries/territories/areas (African Region [2], European Region [1], Region of the Americas [1], South East Asia Region [1] and Western Pacific Region [1]) have reported cases of COVID-19.

• WHO has updated the case definitions. The full guidance document can be found here and in Case Definitions below.

• WHO regional directors of Europe, the Western Pacific and Africa called for global solidarity to fight COVID-19. Ensuring international cooperation, investing in health, and engaging communities are keys to effectively tackle the pandemic. The full briefing can be found here.

• Updated technical guidance on critical preparedness, readiness and response; advice on the use of masks; infection prevention and control; and laboratory testing can be found here.

• OpenWHO is constantly updating and adding online open courses for COVID- 19 as a resource for health professionals, decision-makers and the public. As of 20 March, more than 500 000 learners have already enrolled. COVID-19 resources are hosted on 2 learning channels: one for courses in official WHO languages here and a second for courses in additional national languages here.