Welcome to the March issue of the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project’s (ACLED) Conflict Trends report. Each month, ACLED researchers gather, analyse and publish data on political violence in Africa in real-time. Weekly updates to real-time conflict event data are published through our research partners at Climate Change and African Political Stability (CCAPS) and also on the ACLED website.
This month’s issue focuses on continued violence against civilians in Democratic Republic of Congo, political alliances and localised conflict in Libya amidst UN-brokered negotiations, heightened activity by transnational actors against Boko Haram in Nigeria, the endurance of violence across Africa despite peace agreements , the temporary de-escalation of conflict events in South Sudan and the diffusion and sharp rise in protest activity across Southern Tunisia. A special focus topic explores rape as a weapon of political violence across Africa.
Elsewhere on the continent, conflict events escalated in South Africa but dropped in Somalia throughout February. Egypt remains volatile as IED attacks continue to target state forces.