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Collaborative Framework for Food Systems Transformation - A multi-stakeholder pathway for sustainable food systems


Objective and Development Process

UN Environment led the development of this Collaborative Framework for Food Systems Transformation (FS Framework) in the context of the SFS Programme, with the objective of engaging and building capacity of governments and stakeholders to apply a food systems approach to their policies, programmes, and strategies, in order to achieve Sustainable Food Systems (SFS).3 Between October 2017 and December 2018, UN Environment organized several consultations around the usefulness of such a Framework. Consultees were asked to respond to the following questions:

i) Is the implementation of this Framework feasible and useful in a given situation? ii) What are the main gaps? iii) How could it be improved?

In line with these consultations, this document provides an approach for collaborative policymaking and governance improvement for sustainable food systems. This includes a broad range of actions for better assessment, design, implementation, and monitoring of SFS policies and programmes by policymakers and stakeholders, leading to better decisions and outcomes regarding livelihoods, health, nutrition, and the environment.

The publication is enriched with eight cases studies that provide insight into how the principles and actions discussed in this document have been partially implemented in practice.

It is important to note that the views and conclusions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the official view of the individual members of the SFS Programme or of any other organizations that were consulted in the preparation of this report.